Sunday, February 15, 2009

Eustress n distress

Have u ever heard about eustress n distress. It was basically positive n negative side of the stress...either one is good n the other one is bad for you. But why i  came out with stress topic....hmmm...i QUESS I'm IN Stressssssss.......! Gosh...Shit...what's happening to me...i seldom involved in this mind set kinda juz dat everyone in this world would definitely came up to this point... me...farid is in stress mood...since this is my blog n this is my territory....i can write whatever i want...have u heard about releasing stress by expressing ur emotions on paper by writing it down...dOES it helps u...I'm trying actually..
Here's the thing , i'm stuck in my chapter 4. Eventhough im done with lab work for the past 1 month i still can't managed to finish up my writing part. It took 3 to 4 weeks to finish up analyzing those freaking data..n i hates minitab man..that stupid program wasn't suppose to be invented by statistcian coz it's totally unfriendly user at all..or maybe my mind wasn't that good in maths...well it's true actually , anyway..thanx to Najian...she's the statistician who helps me to complete my data analysis.
Data analysis = Done. Then it's the discussion part..I have read more than 30 journals to be specific enough but everything shows the same similarity in discussion part..i analyze every detail of it n i try to understand the part that i'm not suppose to understand at this moment. But  when i tried to write, it didn't turns out the way it suppose to be. It turns out to be like diz, the flow n idea was good , she said but eventually a , then it goes to d , then back to b n sort of...u know what i meant right. So the flow is not right at i'm trying n try  n try but  i still can't make it..huh...make me more stress. At first i thought i din have enough rest or sleep. Mom and dad said the same thing , she said u need to relax a bit...come back home , but's not the right time to go home schedule was damm pack...diz weekend i'm having finishing school program which i din turns out coz majority of my friends are avoiding it due to several unacceptable lousy reason like me = i'm too tired , let me sleep diz was me actually n next week on 21st of feb , i need to attend a scientific writing conference on sperm organized by my choice...I need to attend but luckily i don have present my data n my excuse was = i'm not ready yet...seriously i'm juz an undergraduates n my knowledge are limited.
Or maybe i had too many things in my mind or maybe i have lost my focus. Hah...i lost my focus , wait, this isn't suppose to be happening right now man..not now..not in final semester. To be honest , i haven't touch anything yet for my mid sem. I'm not sure how's my performance this semester. This tesis turn me into a freakin robots who's devoted his life in lab , seriously i din hang out with my schoolmates during long holiday , i stayed in lab during weekend n my close friends which is my schoolmates keeps on messaging  n begging me to come back home early juz to make sure i managed to catch up with them. If this is happening 3 years ago , hah , i don really recognize myself. 
I quess i need to relax right , i need something like anti -depression pill or morphine injection kan? Seriously , at one point i couldn't sleep at night eventhough i'm too tired coz i din get enough sleep from the previous night but still i ended up sleep late at 2 am n i woke up early at 6.30am.
My body is turning into a robots i quess..excited at one point...i'm scared man...i'm scared at 1 point i can't handle it and i ended up with high fever...
Someone suggest me to go for sports just to relax ur mind. I went for swimming n it's not working at all. I'm still the same. I quess the best remedy for this brain psychotic disease is to find my best friend n talk about it. But she's bussy preparing for her clinical exam lar pulak..Hmmm...i quess i need to pray n doa banyak2...moga2 hati ini tenang.
I'm sorry i treated my blog as my diary, to all viewers , this is the different version of farid with brain damaged at 12.48pm = 15 FEbruary 2009. N please...don ever ever ever post something which sounds like diz ' ko tk payah risau lar..ko dh habis lab' i quess someone's familiar with that words....pleaz....writing is much more sux than anything....u'll understand later!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tingkahlaku membawa Padah...arghh...PADAH!

Jam pukul 4 ptng....tepat...baru jer habis kelas endrokinologi...part oo...lawak...hari in oo sangat comel (oo = othman omar).
Aku bergegas kuar dri bangunan BSbt...owh...gelapnya langit....cepat2 aku gerakkan kaki ker ptsl...gigh nya kerana nak pinjam atlas histology tuh.. sUPPOSE pgi tadi nk pergi...tpi owhh..ada masalah utama...kad matrik holder hilang selama-lamanya dalam the tesis aku pon hilang...1 page jer...serius tk tau kemana...tpi ada back up lm laptop...usah ghisau!...lagipon bangun lambat ....err...2 anset = 2 alarm....pon tk dapat bangun..huhu....sembab tul!
Akhirnya..sampai juga hujan agi....nasib baik...letak lar beg...masuk cepat2...dengan harapan dapat pinjam atlas n balik ke bilik before hujan berhenti..(angan2 petang...yg tk mungkin ada harapan).
At the end....i managed to get the nyer..clear gler...cantik...very good elaboration...details....for my thesis purpose...then tetiber...dum dum....tengok tingkap...errr....hujan....hujan...hujan...mak...lebatnya...!
At the end...i decided tuk baca dulu lar atlas nih...bersama text book yg lain....kat tepi meja tepi tingkat menghadap bustop nyer...
Damm challenging....petang2..lm lampu2 samar..dh lar aku rabun cahaya....menambahkan the end...after half an hour...i stop baca...then lapangkan sikit mata...cuber lihat kat luar tingkap..sambil terhidu bersin2 amoi tk cun yg duduk di belakang aku...menyiapkan nota or what eva shit yg dia buat....tiber tiber...ak aku terpandang satu kereta...
kereta proton saga thun 1990....kopak gler..konpem kete rm 5000..pemandu nya...pak arab...yang bergegas2 nk ke kelas nya...terlambat kot...hujan...Dia pon park kan kete nyer....dekat sungguh dengan van dihadapan.
Then....aku pon sambung semula membelek2 sampai berapa minit...hujan dh reda...tpi still lebat lar..ada risiko tk berani balik....pastuh a few minutes later...pak cik melayu nih owner pada van tuh...datang...bergegas nk balik ke rumah...tpi aku pelik...pak cik  nih kuar semula dari vannya dan mundar mandir sambil mulutnya berkumat kamit.....barangkali mencarut kata2 melayu....rupe-rupenyer....depan van dia ada sedikit space tuk bergerak kuar tetapi malangnya dihalang oleh keta pak arab di wonder....mulutnya berkumat kamit...
Then....hujan betul2 bentu after a few minutes....amoi tk cun dibelakang aku pon muler pack2 pensil case nyer yg 3 kali besar dari pensil case aku dan bergegas lari kuar...barangkali dia pon nk pulang kot...aku pon muler gerakkan diri dn turun ke bawah.....tpi singgah sebentar ke tandas....ishhh....busuk nyer ptsl nyer tandas...tkder selera nk buang urea.....tahan ngan menggunakan pengecutan otot....tuk beberapa minit sampai bilik sendiri.........Selepas proses meminjam buku secara elektronik berjaya dilakukan...apa lagi lari lar balik bilik...
aku pon tk sangka....jalan2 depan pusanika menuju ke tangga belakang uo...aku terserempak semula ngan pak cik tersebut...tpi dia bergegas start kan enjin nya....coz keta dihadapan nya muler begerak...owner dh nk balik..tpi keta pak arab masih di situ...lepas keta dihapan bergerak...aku lihat pak cik tuh turun semula....warghhh...ini best...betul2 best....aksi hangat....pak cik tuh tarik kuar viper kiri kereta pak arab tersebut....digerak gerak sedikit.....prak prak prak....prakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.....putus....caya lar pak cik....pak cik tuh patahkan viper pak arab tuh dn campakkan atas cermin keta tersebut....aku nampak dan pak cik tuh perasan aku melihatnya....lalu pak cik tuh berkata...sesuatu...tpi sebelum dia memulakan percakapan tuh...aku kater....pak cik...dia memang parking salah...saya dari sana...kt tingkap tuh baca buku perasan keta nih milik pak arab....lalu pak cik tuh berkata...hmmm...padan muker dia....pak cik tunggu 30 minit.....lalu aku hanya senyum...pak cik itu pon senyum semula...tapi senyumannya = puas hati ........hahaha....aku pon beredar.....
biler sampai ke bilik...aku terpikir...ahha....jahatnya aku baik gak aku nih...i'm on which lar.....janji bukan kete aku n bukan masalah aku...hahah
Warga ukm...park lar kete baik2 k.....ruang di sini limited sesangat...sedikit kesalahan boleh memudaratkan orang sekeliling...nasib baik pak cik tuh tk kejar mase ke...kalo bini dia or kucing dia nk beranak...hah...kan susay tk ley kuar kete....tpi aku lihat..pak cik tuh ada banyak bungkusan makanan...errrr....marah coz lapar kot....hahah....macam2 lar kt dunia nih..
PS: best gak patah2 kan alat2 kete nih....err...nk try...!